👋🏼 I'm Raymond.

Raymond Julin profile photo

I'm a technologist living in beautiful Bergen, Norway. I currently work as an independent software developer. Previously I've done DX at Crystallize, development, processes and infrastructure at Cutters. I were CTO & Co-founder at Task Analytics, senior consultant at Netlife Design, lead product developer at Keyteq and development at the Tek.no-network. My focus is on everything web and smart home technology. When I log off most of my time is spent with my family and kids. I have a young girl and boy plus a husky 🐾. Some times I publish open source software and some rare times I blog on this site.

You can also find me on GitHub and Twitter

Latest posts


Conditional notifications for the family in Home Assistant

Learn how to set up Home Assistant notifications for the whole family, with scheduled opt-in/out per house member.

A smart home consumer's wish list

A short wish list of products and features I want to see in future smart home products.

Drawing diagrams in Sanity with Mermaid.js

Learn how to embed Mermaid.js based diagrams in Sanity.